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Uniform tax rebate: How to claim for washing your uniform

If you work in a job requiring a uniform or even just a branded shirt, you could claim a tax rebate from HMRC worth over £100. Find out how much you can claim for washing your uniform and how you can do it for free.

how much can you claim for washing uniform

Tax relief for washing uniform

You don’t get much in life for free, so you need to grab it with both hands when it comes along. If you wear a full uniform, protective clothing or even just a branded shirt and you wash or repair it yourself, you could reclaim £100’s of tax for up to five years worth of expenses.

Now, there are plenty of companies out there who will submit a claim on your behalf. But the fact is, why let somebody take a cut of what you’re entitled to from just a few minutes’ work?

Take a look at these easy steps to claim your uniform tax rebate.

What is uniform tax relief?

Like it or not, many of us have to wear work clothes and we have little choice in the matter. That means extra wear and tear on appliances, more energy used and an increased cost to us.

So, in recognition of this, HMRC will give uniform wearers tax relief. In short, this means they don’t pay as much tax on their wages.

Also worth reading

Do I qualify for a uniform tax rebate?

To qualify, you will need to be employed in a job that requires you to wear a full uniform (such as a policeman) or a branded shirt.

  • You are required to purchase, repair or clean the uniform yourself.
  • You are paying/have paid income tax for the year you are claiming for.

How much can I claim for washing my uniform?

The amount you can claim depends on the industry you work in. The standard flat rate is £60. For a full list of industries and rates, look at the official government site.

If you are a basic-rate tax payer, you are entitled to claim £12 (20% of £60). Higher-rate payers can claim back £24 (40% of £60).

You can claim money back for the previous four years and the current year. So a basic-rate tax payer will be entitled to £60 and a higher-rate payer £120.

Once HMRC receive your claim and all goes well, you should see your tax code change. This means the amount you have to earn before paying tax slightly increases in the future.

The claims process

Fill out the P87 form, which can be found here and submit it online.

You will be asked to provide the following information:

  • Your occupation
  • Your details, including your National Insurance and PAYEE reference numbers
  • Employer’s name and address
  • Whether you are claiming a flat rate (most people will be).
  • How you want to be paid – either by cheque or straight into your bank account.

There are other questions on the form but click ‘No’ if they don’t apply to you.

If you’ve made a claim previously, instead of completing the form, you can phone HMRC on 0300 200 3300 to discuss your reclaim. You will only usually do this if you’ve noticed that your tax code isn’t correct.

Is it worth claiming a uniform tax rebate?

It certainly is. Don’t listen to those firms that do it for you and then take a slice of your money. The process for claiming your uniform tax rebate is very simple and quick to do. You don’t need to pay anybody else to claim the tax back for you.

How to claim the uniform tax allowance – P87 form

After a few emails, I have included a more detailed guide with a few images below on how to claim your uniform tax refund. Once you’ve selected the P87 form (link above) and filled in your personal details, you will need to select which tax year you’re claiming. If you claim for more than one year, this will mean making several claims. Once you’ve selected the year, you will need some employment details.

P87 form. Uniform tax refund

On the following pages, you will need to click Yes for flat rate deduction, choose your industry and type in the amount you’re claiming for. This will usually be the maximum allowed for that type of industry. For example, below, I have chosen Public Service, which will allow you to claim up to £60. In the Expenses claimed box, you enter £60.

HMRC tax rebate

There will be quite a few questions that follow, but if you’re only claiming the uniform rebate, select ‘No’.

If you’re employed in the emergency services or various other government departments, look at discounts from the Blue Light Card.